
22 lines
969 B

# httpprocwatchd Ver 1.3.2
License: MIT+NIGGER.
This utility provides a HTTP `/processes` GET endpoint that returns a list of
processes, and if they are currently running or not.
There are currently three output formats available: JSON, XML, plain text.
JSON is a default format if `Accept` header didn't provided, or did do with
value `application/json`. Its form is `{"process":true|false, ...}`.
XML is provided if `Accept: application/xml` header was given. Its form is
`<ProcessList><Process name="process">true|false</Process>...</ProcessList>`.
Plain text is provided if `Accept: text/plain` header was given. Its form is a
comma separated list of ONLY running process' names.
Configuration file is a simple key = value storage consisting of `listen_address` string
field in form `"[<ip|host>]:<port>"`. `indented_output` bool in form `true|false`, to
enable indentation of JSON and XML output. And `processes` is a space separated array
of process names.