Fork 0

97 lines
3.6 KiB

"""Base Scraper implementation."""
from base64 import b64encode
from os import remove, stat
from os.path import exists, join, getsize
import re
from typing import List, Callable
from urllib.request import urlretrieve, URLopener
import hashlib
from scrapthechan import __version__
from scrapthechan.fileinfo import FileInfo
__all__ = ["Scraper"]
class Scraper:
"""Base scraper implementation.
save_directory -- a path to a directory where file will be
files -- a list of FileInfo objects;
download_progress_callback -- a callback function that will be called
for each file started downloading.
def __init__(self, save_directory: str, files: List[FileInfo],
download_progress_callback: Callable[[int], None] = None) -> None:
self._save_directory = save_directory
self._files = files
self._url_opener = URLopener()
self._url_opener.version = f"ScrapTheChan/{__version__}"
self._progress_callback = download_progress_callback
def run(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def _same_filename(self, filename: str, path: str) -> str:
"""Check if there is a file with same name. If so then add incremental
number enclosed in brackets to a name of a new one."""
newname = filename
while exists(join(path, newname)):
has_extension = newname.rfind(".") != -1
if has_extension:
l, r = newname.rsplit(".", 1)
lbracket = l.rfind("(")
if lbracket == -1:
newname = f"{l}(1).{r}"
num = l[lbracket+1:-1]
if num.isnumeric():
newname = f"{l[:lbracket]}({int(num)+1}).{r}"
newname = f"{l}(1).{r}"
lbracket = l.rfind("(")
if lbracket == -1:
newname = f"{newname}(1)"
num = newname[lbracket+1:-1]
if num.isnumeric():
newname = f"{newname[:lbracket]}({int(num)+1})"
return newname
def _hash_file(self, filename: str, hash_algo: str = "md5",
blocksize: int = 1048576) -> (str, str):
"""Compute hash of a file."""
hash_func = hashlib.new(hash_algo)
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
buf = f.read(blocksize)
while len(buf) > 0:
buf = f.read(blocksize)
return hash_func.hexdigest(), hash_func.digest()
def _is_file_ok(self, f: FileInfo, filepath: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a file exist and isn't broken."""
if not exists(filepath):
return False
computed_size = getsize(filepath)
is_size_match = f.size == computed_size \
or f.size == round(computed_size / 1024)
hexdig, dig = self._hash_file(filepath, f.hash_algo)
is_hash_match = f.hash_value == hexdig \
or f.hash_value == b64encode(dig).decode()
return is_size_match and is_hash_match
def _download_file(self, f: FileInfo):
"""Download a single file."""
filepath = join(self._save_directory, f.name)
if self._is_file_ok(f, filepath):
return True
elif exists(filepath):
filepath = join(self._save_directory, \
self._same_filename(f.name, self._save_directory))
self._url_opener.retrieve(f.dlurl, filepath)