
160 lines
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package inmemdb
import (
captcha "git.arav.su/Arav/justcaptcha"
// InMemoryDB implementation that lives in a memory (map).
type InMemoryDB struct {
db map[captcha.ID]captcha.Captcha
expiry time.Duration
expiryScanInterval time.Duration
// NewInMemoryDB returns an initialised instance of an InMemoryDB.
// An expiry is a scan interval for expired CAPTCHAs (if passed a longer one,
// resets to a default (captcha.DefaultExpiredScanInterval)).
func NewInMemoryDB(expiry time.Duration) *InMemoryDB {
db := &InMemoryDB{
db: make(map[captcha.ID]captcha.Captcha),
expiry: expiry}
if expiry < captcha.DefaultExpiredScanInterval {
db.expiryScanInterval = expiry
} else {
db.expiryScanInterval = captcha.DefaultExpiredScanInterval
go db.cleanExpired()
return db
// New accepts a CAPTCHA instance, generates an ID and store it in a database.
// A data string is an additional random data used to generate an ID,
// e.g. an IP-address.
func (imcdb *InMemoryDB) New(data string, cptcha captcha.Captcha) (captcha.Captcha, captcha.ID) {
id := captcha.NewID(data, cptcha.Answer())
imcdb.db[id] = cptcha
return cptcha, id
// GetExpiry returns an expiry for a CAPTCHA.
func (imcdb *InMemoryDB) GetExpiry() time.Duration {
return imcdb.expiry
// SetExpiry changes an expiry for a CAPTCHA and a scan interval. Scan interval
// cannot be longer than a default, so if it is, then resets to a default.
func (imcdb *InMemoryDB) SetExpiry(expiry time.Duration) {
imcdb.expiry = expiry
if expiry < captcha.DefaultExpiredScanInterval {
imcdb.expiryScanInterval = expiry
} else {
imcdb.expiryScanInterval = captcha.DefaultExpiredScanInterval
// Image returns a freshly generated image for a CAPTCHA with style if
// applicable.
func (imcdb *InMemoryDB) Image(id captcha.ID, style string) *image.Image {
defer imcdb.Unlock()
if c, ok := imcdb.db[id]; ok {
return c.Image(style)
return nil
// Solve compares given answer with a stored one and if failed
// deletes a CAPTCHA from database.
func (imcdb *InMemoryDB) Solve(id captcha.ID, answer captcha.Answer) bool {
defer imcdb.Unlock()
if c, ok := imcdb.db[id]; ok {
ok = c.Solve(answer)
if !ok {
delete(imcdb.db, id)
return ok
return false
// IsSolved checks if CAPTCHA was solved and removes it
// from a database.
func (imcdb *InMemoryDB) IsSolved(id captcha.ID) bool {
defer imcdb.Unlock()
if c, ok := imcdb.db[id]; ok {
delete(imcdb.db, id)
return c.IsSolved()
return false
// Remove a CAPTCHA from a database.
func (imcdb *InMemoryDB) Remove(id captcha.ID) {
defer imcdb.Unlock()
delete(imcdb.db, id)
// cleanExpired removes expired CAPTCHAs in a loop.
func (imcdb *InMemoryDB) cleanExpired() {
for {
sleepFor := imcdb.expiryScanInterval - (time.Duration(time.Now().Second()) % imcdb.expiryScanInterval)
for id, captcha := range imcdb.db {
if time.Since(captcha.Expiry()) >= imcdb.expiry {
delete(imcdb.db, id)
// An instance of InMemoryDB
var imcdb = NewInMemoryDB(captcha.DefaultExpiredScanInterval)
func GetExpiry() time.Duration {
return imcdb.GetExpiry()
func SetExpiry(expiry time.Duration) {
func New(data string, captcha captcha.Captcha) (captcha.Captcha, captcha.ID) {
return imcdb.New(data, captcha)
func Image(id captcha.ID, style string) *image.Image {
return imcdb.Image(id, style)
func Solve(id captcha.ID, answer captcha.Answer) bool {
return imcdb.Solve(id, answer)
func IsSolved(id captcha.ID) bool {
return imcdb.IsSolved(id)
func Remove(id captcha.ID) {