extends base.amber block body section#rules h2 Rules ul li Max. file size is #{FileMaxSz}. li Anything you upload should comply with Russian Federation's law. section#used-space h2 Used space div | #{StorageUsedStr} progress[value=StorageUsed][max=StorageCapacity] | #{StorageCapStr} div | #{StorageAvailStr} section#upload h2 Upload form[action="/"][method="POST"][enctype="multipart/form-data"] input[type="file"][name="file"] input[type="submit"][value="Upload"] section h2 Privacy statements p Logs are held and include: access time, IP-address, name of a file it was uploaded with, a SHA-256 hash of the file, download name, size of the file in bytes. p Each download also being logged and include: access time, IP-address, name of a file it was requested with, download name. p Download name is a salted SHA-256 hash of the file encoded using base64 raw URL encoding. p In case of request from law enforcements logs of upload and download actions for asked file will be given out. And if file is still persist, then the file itself. p Sorry, but I don't want to deal with authorities, seizures, etc., what I want is to provide a service for you and myself.