extends base.jade block body section#rules.center h2 Rules ul li Max. file size is #{.FileMaxSz}. li It will be kept for #{.KeepForHours} hours. li Anything you upload should comply with Russian Federation's law. Generally speaking, anything illegal, like CP, extremist literature etc., is forbidden. section#used-space.center h2 Free space div span #{.StorageUsedStr} progress(value=.StorageUsed max=.StorageCapacity) span #{.StorageCapStr} div | #{.StorageAvailStr} section#upload.center h2 Upload form(action="/" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data") input(type="file" name="file" multiple=false) button(type="submit") Upload section p.center You can use cURL to upload a file: #[code curl -F 'file=@somefile.ext' https://upload.arav.top]. p.center Over I2P: #[code curl --proxy -F 'file=@somefile.ext' https://upload.arav.i2p] p.center A resulted link looks like this: #[code /f/base64rawURL(sha256)/filename.ext]. p.center filename.ext is mandatory. It is a name the file will be retrieved with. section h2 Privacy statements p I WILL cooperate with law enforcements and provide them with logs, guess I shouldn't clarify why. Abuses should be sent to #[a(href="mailto:admin@arav.top") admin@arav.top]. p Upload logs include: access time, IP-address, name of a file it was uploaded with, a SHA-256 hash of the file, download name*, size of the file in bytes, User-Agent. p Each download also being logged and include: access time, IP-address, name of a file it was requested with, download name*, User-Agent. p *Download name is a salted SHA-256 hash of the file encoded using base64 raw URL encoding. The hash is being salted to make useless any attempt of bruteforcing.