extends base.jade block header h1 Upload block body :go:func Index(mainSite string, keepForHours int, fileMaxSize, storageAvailableStr string) section h2 Rules p Maximum file size is #[b #{fileMaxSize}] and it will be kept for #[b #{keepForHours}] hours. p Content you upload should comply with Russian Federation's law. Generally speaking, anything illegal, like CP, extremist literature, and so on is forbidden. section.center h2 Upload form(action="/" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data") input(type="file" name="file" multiple=false) button(type="submit") Upload p.center #[b #{storageAvailableStr}] left. section p Using cURL: #[code curl -F 'file=@somefile.ext' https://upload.arav.su] p Also works under other networks (I2P, Tor, Yggdrasil). For Tor and I2P you'll need to add a #[code --proxy] option for cURL. Same for deletion. p A resulted link has the following structure: #[code <site>/<hash>/<file>.<ext>]. section.center h2 Delete form(action="/delete" method="POST") input(type="text", name="hash" placeholder="File hash goes here" minlength="43" maxlength="43" size="43" required="") button(type="submit") Delete section p Using cURL: #[code curl -XDELETE https://upload.arav.su/<hash>]