doctype html html(lang='en') head title Arav's dwelling / Radio meta(charset='utf-8') meta(http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge') meta(name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0') meta(name='theme-color' content='#cd2682') meta(name='description' content='Internet-radio broadcasting from under my desk.') link(rel='icon' href='/assets/img/favicon.svg' sizes='any' type='image/svg+xml') link(href='/assets/css/main.css' rel='stylesheet') script(src='/assets/js/main.js' defer='') body header svg#logo(viewBox='0 -25 216 40') text.logo Arav's dwelling text.under(y='11') Welcome to my sacred place, wanderer nav a(href=.MainSite) Back to main website h1 Radio section small.player-links a(href='/filelist') filelist a(href='/playlist') playlist (.m3u) a(href='/live/stream.ogg') direct link a(href='') direct link (http) a(href='http://wsmkgnmhmzqm7kyzv7jnzzafvgm7xlmlfvzhgorpapd5or2arnhuktqd.onion/live/stream.ogg') direct link (Tor) a(href='http://radio.arav.i2p/live/stream.ogg') direct link (I2P) | OGG 128 Kb/s audio(preload='none' controls='') source(src='/live/stream.ogg' type='audio/ogg') | Your browser doesn't support an audio element, it's sad... But you always can take the #[a(href='/playlist') playlist]. //- - var isDateNA = .Status.ServerStartDate == 'n/a' //- unless false //- p #[span#radio-status On-air since #[time(datetime=.Status.ServerStartISO8601)= .Status.ServerStartDate]] //- else //- p #[span#radio-status Radio is offline.] //- p Now playing: #[span#radio-song= .Status.SongName] p Current/peak listeners: #[span#radio-listeners .Status.Listeners] / #[span#radio-listener-peak .Status.ListenerPeak] p small Notice: information updates every 45 seconds. But you can #[button(id='btn-update') update] it forcibly. //- if (.Status.LastSongs) //- section //- h2 Last 10 songs //- table#last-played //- each song in .Status.Songs //- tr //- td= song.Time //- td= song.Artist //- td= song.Title section p The largest number of simultaneous listeners was #[b 7] at #[time(datetime='2022-02-19') 19 February 2022], and the song was "Röyksopp - 49 Percent". section h2 Privacy statements p Logs are collected and include access date and time, IP-address, User-Agent, referer URL, request. This website makes use of JavaScript to update a radio status and last 10 songs list. footer | 2017—2022 Arav <#[a(href='')]>