extends base.pug block meta_description meta(name='description' content="Updates on my infrastructure, my very important opinions and thoughts.") block append head link(href='/assets/css/mindflow.css' rel='stylesheet') script(src='/assets/js/mindflow.js' defer='') link(rel='canonical' href='/mindflow') block nav a(href='/') Home a(href='/stuff') Stuff a(href='/about') About a(href='/guestbook') Guestbook h1 Mindflow block content :go:func Mindflow(title string, posts []mindflow.Post, categories []mindflow.Category, r *http.Request) p.center Here I post updates on websites and infrastructure, my very important opinions and thoughts no one asked for. If you'd like to subscribe to this bullshittery then #[a(href='/rss.xml') RSS feed] at your service. :) section#filter.hidden p.center button(name='all') All each category in categories button(name=strings.ToLower(category.Name)) #{category.Name} section if (len(posts) > 0) each post in posts article(id=`${post.PostID()}`) header a(href=`#${post.PostID()}`) h3= post.Category.Name + ": " + post.Title if (post.URL != "") p Link: a(href=post.PostURL(r.Host, false)) #{post.PostURL(r.Host, false)} each line in strings.Split(post.Body, "\n") p!= line footer time(datetime=util.ToClientTimezone(post.Date, r))= util.ToClientTimezone(post.Date, r).Format(time.RFC1123) else p.center Nothing? There must be some... Looks like database went down.