extends base.pug block meta_description meta(name='description' content="Here I share my programs, scripts, articles, may be other stuff.") block nav a(href='/') Home a(href='/mindflow') Mindflow a(href='/about') About a(href='/guestbook') Guestbook h1 Stuff block content :go:func Stuff(title, git_site, files_site string) p.center Here lies everything I've made that I'm willing to share. section#articles h2 Articles p These articles are more like the sysadmin's notes. I describe those parts here that I did myself. The date here represents when article was updated last time. table tr td time(datetime='2022-05-20') 20 May 2022 td a(href='stuff/article/hardening_mikrotik') Hardening Mikrotik tr td time(datetime='2021-11-15') 15 November 2021 td a(href='stuff/article/nginx_recipes_and_tips') NGiNX's recipes & tips tr td time(datetime='2022-07-17') 17 July 2022 td a(href='stuff/article/setting_up_a_mail_server') Setting up a mail server tr td time(datetime='2020-08-15') 15 August 2020 td a(href='stuff/article/setting_up_a_tor_proxy_relay_hiddenserv') Setting up a Tor proxy, relay and hidden service tr td time(datetime='2022-05-19') 19 May 2022 td a(href='stuff/article/rpi_root_on_external_drive') How to move a root partition from SD card off to external drive on Raspberry Pi section#programs-scripts h2 Programs and scripts p.center Simple, yet useful (at least for me) programs and scripts I made. table tr td justcaptcha td 2.0.0 (20 October 2022) td Go td MIT td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/justcaptcha') source tr td(colspan='5') p A simple CAPTCHA service implementation. tr td kwh-cost td 1.0.0 (24 December 2021) td C td MIT+NIGGER td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/kwh-cost') source tr td(colspan='5') p KWh cost calculator in C. What?.. That license? xD Learn at #[a(href='https://plusnigger.autism.exposed/') plusnigger.autism.exposed] about it. xD tr td httpprocprobed td 2.0.0 (9 October 2022) td Go td MIT+NIGGER td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/httpprocprobed') source tr td(colspan='5') p It returns a list of processes and if they are running in a JSON, XML or plain text format via HTTP GET request on /processes endpoint. Under the hood it searches a /proc/ directory. It is being used on about page to show wether service's running or not. tr td ScrapTheChan td 0.5.0 (3 May 2021) td Python td MIT td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/ScrapTheChan') source | a(href=git_site+'/Arav/ScrapTheChan/releases') releases tr td(colspan='5') p Imageboards file scraper using theirs JSON API. Currently supported: 4chan.org, lainchan.org, 2ch.hk and 8kun.top. tr td OpenNIC active domains extraction script td 10 July 2020 td Bash td MIT td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/opennic-extract-domains') source tr td(colspan='5') p Bash script for BIND9 that extracts domains from zone files of OpenNIC and forms a list of domains that have an IP-address. tr td PiggyBank td 1.0.0 (8 July 2020) td Python td MIT td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/PiggyBank') source | a(href=git_site+'/Arav/PiggyBank/releases') releases tr td(colspan='5') p A program to help you to keep track of your piggy bank. section#music h2 Music p There was a period in my life when I was playing with audio sequencers. I lost all project files and only 3 tracks survived in mp3 that #[a(href=files_site+"/music/My%20tracks,%20that%20survived/") you can get here].