diff --git a/web/templates/stuff.pug b/web/templates/stuff.pug index 91a7993..fc3567d 100755 --- a/web/templates/stuff.pug +++ b/web/templates/stuff.pug @@ -27,6 +27,18 @@ block content h2 Programs and scripts p.center Simple, yet useful (at least for me) programs and scripts I made. table + tr + td httpr + td 0.2.0 (27 May 2023) + td Go + td MIT + td + a(href=git_site+'/Arav/httpr') source + a(href=git_site+'/Arav/httpr/releases') releases + tr + td(colspan='5') + p A simple HTTP router that supports having both regular and parametrised path's parts at the same level, like #[code /assets/*filepath] and #[code /:a/:b] in the same HTTP method. + p Yeah, not as efficient as httprouter is, but in my case no performance loose was noticed (on a small amount of paths). Yet I gained prettiness because it allowed me, for example, to ditch #[code /f/] part and leave just #[code /:hash/:name] instead of #[code /f/:hash/:name] in a dwelling-upload service. tr td justguestbook td 1.3.2 (22 May 2023)