diff --git a/web/templates/about.pug b/web/templates/about.pug index 158d387..41c4b20 100755 --- a/web/templates/about.pug +++ b/web/templates/about.pug @@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ block content h2 My servers p I have two of them, the first one is a #[a(href='https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-3-model-b/' rel='nofollow noreferrer') Raspberry Pi 3 rev. B] single board computer and the second one is a laptop. Yeah, not quite impressive, but they do their work just fine. p Laptop is Acer Packard Bell TE69CX that has a 2 core Intel Pentium 2117U 1.8GHz and 10GB RAM (2GB + 8GB), the system disk is a 120GB SSD and the other one is 2TB HDD where all the shit I have is stored. I've replaced my good old 500GB disk with 2TB one, since it became a little too tight, now it is a system disk for Raspberry Pi. Everything that have just a bit of importantance to me is backed up, encrypted and stored in the clouds. :) - p #[span.highlighted TL;DR about services.] Laptop runs BIND9 (master) via DNSCrypt-proxy, a network file share, a public file upload service, a seedbox, a HTTP public file share, TeamSpeak 3, Mumble, I2P, Yggdrasil, an internet-radio, git server, ClamAV for email server (since Raspberry litteraly chokes on ClamAV), a web-server, and a database. Raspberry Pi 3 runs BIND9 (slave) via DNSCrypt-proxy, a Tor node, an email server, and a XMPP server. section#servers-photos div.columns.figs figure