#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include // parse_number takes a position of a last digit in a number // and returns a resulting number. int32_t parse_number(char *end); #define STR_E(tok) #tok #define STR(tok) STR_E(tok) #define SETS_STR_MAX_LEN 200 #define CUBE_RED_MAX 12 #define CUBE_GREEN_MAX 13 #define CUBE_BLUE_MAX 14 int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *input; char *line = NULL; size_t line_length = 0; if (argc == 1 || argv[1][0] == '-') input = stdin; else if ((input = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open file %s\n", argv[1]); return -1; } int32_t game_id_sum = 0; while (getline(&line, &line_length, input) != -1) { char *colon_pos = strchr(line, ':'); int32_t game_id = parse_number(colon_pos - 1); bool is_correct = true; char *sets = colon_pos + 2; char *space_pos = NULL; while (NULL != (space_pos = strchr(sets, ' '))) { if (*(space_pos-1) == ',' || *(space_pos-1) == ';') { sets = space_pos + 1; continue; } int8_t n = parse_number(space_pos-1); if (('r' == *(space_pos+1) && CUBE_RED_MAX < n) || ('g' == *(space_pos+1) && CUBE_GREEN_MAX < n) || ('b' == *(space_pos+1) && CUBE_BLUE_MAX < n)) { is_correct = false; break; } sets = space_pos + 1; } if (is_correct) game_id_sum += game_id; memset(line, 0, line_length); } printf("%d\n", game_id_sum); return 0; } int32_t parse_number(char *end) { int32_t num = 0; for (size_t n = 1;; n *= 10) { if (*end>>4 != 0x3) break; num += (*end&0xf) * n; --end; } return num; }