#!/usr/bin/sh set -e test_case() { [[ $(bin/day$1p$2 < day$1/in.$3) = "$4" ]] && { echo -ne "\e[32mpassed\e[0m"; } || { echo -ne "\e[31mfailed\e[0m"; } } echo "Day 1 with test data part 1 $(test_case 1 1 "test" "142"), and part 2 $(test_case 1 2 "test2" "281")."; echo "Day 1 with my data part 1 $(test_case 1 1 "my" "55621"), and part 2 $(test_case 1 2 "my" "53592")."; echo "Day 2 with test data part 1 $(test_case 2 1 "test" "8"), and part 2 $(test_case 2 2 "test" "2286")."; echo "Day 2 with my data part 1 $(test_case 2 1 "my" "2727"), and part 2 $(test_case 2 2 "my" "56580")."; echo "Day 3 with test data part 1 $(test_case 3 1 "test" "4361"), and part 2 $(test_case 3 2 "test" "467835")."; echo "Day 3 with my data part 1 $(test_case 3 1 "my" "550934"), and part 2 $(test_case 3 2 "my" "81997870").";