
261 lines
17 KiB

extends base.pug
block nav
a(href='/') Home
a(href='/stuff') Stuff
a(href='/mindflow') Mindflow
a(href='/guestbook') Guestbook
h1 About
mixin isServiceUp(header, service)
if (services[service])
h3.service-up= header
h3.service-down= header
block content
h2 Me
p #[span.highlighted Who am I?] My name is Alexander Andreev. I'm a russian guy of age 29 who likes tinkering with computers.
p #[span.highlighted Why am I doing all of this?] Machines are up 24/7 anyway, so let they do some useful work.
p #[span.highlighted Why am I almost “doxxing” myself?] Yes, my real first and last names, and age are here, and since I self-host you can get my city as well. And I simply don't see that as a problem.
p #[span.highlighted Why particularly that slogan?] I just wanted sort of a slogan that would fit under the logo and this was the first thing came on mind. I actually like it. Don't you think of your websites as of very special place of your own? Of course you do. :) And who we are if not the wanderers who are looking for something in the vastness of Intenet? xD And yes, it's a pain in the ass to make it fit under logo across different browsers. That was the moment when I found out that different browsers render text differently.
p #[span.highlighted Why English only?] I want this place to be accessible for a wide audience, and English happen to be todays lingua franca. Second, I do that to practice English. And third, I'm lazy to maintain two versions of the website, neither see a good reason for that.
p Contact information and banners are #[a(href='#contacts') at the bottom of this page]. Yes, I totally agree with you not wanting to add my banner since I don't have a link page myself, neither participate in any webring. :) Well, it's way easier to make a banner than a links page. :)
p Now a little break for...
h2 My cat Boris :3
img(src='/assets/img/my_cat_thumb.webp' title=':3' alt='My cat. :3')
img(src='/assets/img/my_cat_2_thumb.webp' title='xDDDD' alt='xDDDD')
p And here we continue. :)
h3 Hobbies
p Video games (since 1997)
p Computers (since 11th November 2004)
p #[s Wasting my life on] Surfing the Internets (since February 2006)
p Mapping for Half-life 2, Counter-Strike: Source (since 2006, discontinued in 2009) (everything's fuarrkin' lost)
p Music writing (since 2007, last track was made in 2010)
p Programming (since 2007)
p #[s (LARP'ing as a system administrator)] Home servers (since 1st January 2017)
p Software Defined Radio (since June 2018)
h3 What I know
h4 Human languages
p #[span.highlighted English] is my main foreign language and I think that I know it quite well, but every time I reread what I wrote here I'm constantly catching cringe vibes. xD I have a nice pronunciation (my teacher once said so :)) and tend to British non-rhotic variant. Of course I end up with a mix of all the flavours of different dialects. What I struggle from is a lack of speaking practice and vocabulary is also still a problem.
p #[span.highlighted Norwegian]. I tried to learn, but lack of usefulness made me to almost forget it. I just like how scandinavian languages sound and chose simplest for me to learn.
p I like learning languages, but me being a lazy fuck won't let me learn something up to a reasonable level. :) I tried german, french, norwegian, japanese, ukrainian. But I don't have enough passion for that.
h4 Computer languages
p #[span.highlighted For programming and scripting:] Python, Go, JavaScript, and Bash for now are most used by me. Later I used or tasted: Pascal, Delphi, C#, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP.
p #[span.highlighted Markup and declarative:] SQL (SQLite3, MariaDB), HTML5, CSS3, Latex, Markdown, XML, and JSON.
p And I don't know what else to put here. :^)
h3 What I like
p In more or less timeline order.
h4 Anime
p Ghost in the Shell, Shaman King, Hellsing, Steins;Gate, Cowboy Beebop, Ergo Proxy, Jin-Rou, Black Lagoon, Jojo's Bizzare Adventures, Spice and Wolf, Konosuba
h4 Films
p WarGames (1983), Hackers (1995), Johnny Mnemonic (1995), Snatch (2000), Valhalla Rising (2009), Who am I (2014), movies with Jackie Chan, Matrix (1999, 2003), Stargate (1994), Blade Runner (1982)
h4 TV shows
p X-Files (1993—2002), Lost (2004—2010), Stargate: SG-1 (1997—2007), Stargate: Atlantis (2004—2009)
p These lists aren't complete, will extend when remember or like something.
p I actually don't watch much, and if I watch I go for a marathon, and if only I take a break in the middle of a show, then that break could last for years. xD And if I download some film it could sit for years, as it was with Valhalla Rising, it was waiting for me to watch for 3 fucking years. xD Oh, what made me to watch it? An one and a half hour long power outage. xD
h4 Games for SEGA Mega Drive
p Not a lot of games I've played.
p Bubba'n'Stix, Battletoads, Granada, Demolition Man, Road Rash, Doom Troopers - The Mutant Chronicles, The Lost Vikings, Ghostbusters, Mig-29 Fighter Pilot.
h4 Games for PC
p Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Half-Life (all), StarCraft, Diablo 2, Far Cry (2004), Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Boiling Point: Road to Hell, Portal, Freelancer, F.E.A.R., S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Grand Theft Auto 4, Lineage 2, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Payday 2, The Witcher (1st, 2nd, 3rd didn't finished yet), Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, Euro Truck Simulator 2, Mount & Blade: Warband, Papers, Please, Insurgency, Elite: Dangerous, theHunter: Call of the Wild, American Truck Simulator, Rocket League, Sea Of Thieves.
p I'm CMDR Arav in Elite: Dangerous. My <a href="https://www.edsm.net/en/user/profile/id/22541/cmdr/Arav" rel="noopener noreferrer">EDSM profile</a>.
p I play TruckersMP mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. Nickname is Arav with a tag [RU64].
h4 Music
p My favorites that I like almost fully are Falkenbach, Korpiklaani, Sólstafir, Lacrimosa, Enigma, Röyksopp, Nagrobki, Burzum, maybe I forgot to mention something. You can see what I like on #[a(href=files_site+"/music") file share]. I have a tendency to listening to the same music for a long time, so only way for me to know about other music are online-radios and WEBM threads on IBs. :)
h2 My servers
p I have two of them, the first one is a #[a(href='https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-3-model-b/' rel='nofollow noreferrer') Raspberry Pi 3 rev. B] single board computer and the second one is a laptop. Yeah, not quite impressive, but they do their work just fine.
p Laptop is Acer Packard Bell TE69CX that has a 2 core Intel Pentium 2117U 1.8GHz and 10GB RAM (2GB + 8GB), the system disk is a 120GB SSD and the other one is 2TB HDD where all the shit I have is stored. I've replaced my good old 500GB disk with 2TB one, since it became a little too tight, now it is a system disk for Raspberry Pi. Everything that have just a bit of importantance to me is backed up, encrypted and stored in the clouds. :)
p #[span.highlighted TL;DR about services.] Laptop runs a network file share, a public file upload service, a seedbox, a HTTP public file share, TeamSpeak 3, Mumble, Matrix, I2P, an internet-radio, git server, ClamAV for email server, a web-server, and a database. Raspberry Pi 3 runs OpenVPN, BIND9, DNSCrypt-proxy, a Tor relay, an email server, and a XMPP server.
img(src='/assets/img/raspi_thumb.webp' title='Patch cord\'s tongue is broken. :(' alt='Raspberry Pi 3 rev. B')
figcaption Raspberry Pi 3 rev. B
img(src='/assets/img/acer_thumb.webp' title='Screen and keyboard are broken anyway.' alt='Laptop')
figcaption Acer Packard Bell TE69CX
h2 Public services
p.center That are available for everyone.
+isServiceUp("Internet-radio", "liquidsoap")
a(href='https://radio.arav.top') radio.arav.top
| .
a(href='http://wsmkgnmhmzqm7kyzv7jnzzafvgm7xlmlfvzhgorpapd5or2arnhuktqd.onion') onion
| .
a(href='http://radio.arav.i2p') i2p
p Runs using Liquidsoap through Icecast, which goes through NGiNX. I broadcast almost everything I have. Sorry, but I'm too lazy to make some kind of broadcasting program to stream so I just randomise the playlist and throw new music there from time to time.
p This project grew from MPD I used to stream music over LAN for myself. Then I let it out and placed a player on my Neocities website. Then Icecast was added to see if there are listeners. I wasn't happy on how MPD was nearly overloading CPU, and later, after moving the radio off to a laptop, MPD was replaced by Liquidsoap.
+isServiceUp("File share", "dwelling-files")
a(href='https://files.arav.top') files.arav.top
| .
a(href='http://qf5e43nlhvnrutmikuvbdfj3cmtthokpbaxtkm6mjlslttzvtgm4fxid.onion') onion
| .
a(href='http://files.arav.i2p') i2p
p There you'll find music, videos, films, animes, TV shows, books, games, programs, drivers (a very few), OS images (Winblows :)). Go check it out!
+isServiceUp("File upload", "dwelling-upload")
a(href='https://upload.arav.top') upload.arav.top
| .
a(href='http://.onion') onion
| .
a(href='http://upload.arav.i2p') i2p
p I've made a file upload service for ya with a limit of 128MiB per file, keeping it for 36 hours, and overall storage I dedicated for it is 100GiB.
+isServiceUp("Gitea", "gitea")
a(href='https://git.arav.top') git.arav.top
| .
a(href='http://qqitm7qlsbbubwmjos4cqzmvkqidg34rfnbyhuydhalep33fbvh22xyd.onion') onion
| .
a(href='http://git.arav.i2p') i2p
p Gitea. This is a place where I put source code of everything I ever wrote and consider useful and worth sharing.
h3 Tor relay
p #[a(href='https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/CEF2FD0E1973EA04D1444DDAEFF1B0BC3C0C39B1' rel='nofollow noreferrer') metrics.torproject.org]
p It is set to use 8 MBits of my Internet connection. It cannot became a guard node because of dynamic IP-address.
p #[b Since 1st December 2021 Tor is blocked in Russia, so the relay is down.]
h3 I2P router
p I help the network using an official #[a(href='https://geti2p.net' rel='nofollow noreferrer') I2P router].
h2 Private services
p.center That are available for a narrow circle of people.
+isServiceUp("E-Mail server", "postfix")
p Postfix, Dovecot (w/Sieve), Spamassassin, ClamAV, OpenDMARC and OpenDKIM.
p Alas, I don't have a static IP. And there is not much sense in it because my ISP doesn't offer reverse DNS for regular clients (it'd be bloody awesome).
p It results in my messages ends up in a spam box at best. Well, Yandex, Google, Microsoft Live, and Rambler lets me in an Inbox. :) But if service use Spamhaus' blocklists then I'm being rejected.
p #[b TLDR; I may not be able to send a reply].
+isServiceUp("XMPP/Jabber", "prosody")
p Prosody.
+isServiceUp("Matrix", "synapse.app")
p #[a(href='https://the.arav.top') the.arav.top]
p Synapse.
+isServiceUp("Mumble", "murmurd")
p #[a(href="mumble://arav.top") mumble://arav.top]
p It's private, but you still can join an entrance room where you can only write messages. A certificate is necessary.
+isServiceUp("TeamSpeak 3", "ts3server")
p #[a(href="ts3server://arav.top") ts3server://arav.top]
p Same as with Mumble applies to TS. It's security level is set to 29, so is yours identifier's level should be at least that high.
h3 Game servers
p All game servers are private, if there's exception I'll mention it in its description. They are listed in a section below.
p Some servers are listed in an in-game server list and theirs names looks like &ldquo;Arav's dwelling / &lt;Game name&gt;&rdquo;.
p And, of course, I don't run them simultaneously and start them only when needed.
p Expect poor performance because the server is a low-end laptop.
h2 Game servers
+isServiceUp("Minecraft", "forge-1.16.5")
p.highlighted arav.top:25565
p Version is 1.16.5 currently. I homebrew clients for it. Here is #[a(href=files_site+"/games/minecraft/aravsdwelling-minecraft-1.16.5.exe") an installer for Windows] (412MiB) I make with NSIS. And a #[a(href=files_site+"/games/minecraft/aravsdwelling-minecraft-1.16.5.tar.gz") TAR.GZ archive] (424 MiB) that is for both Windows and Linux. You'll need to set a PLAYER and MC_DIR variables in scripts. And change JVM_PARAMS to your preferences (-Xmx usually needs to be adjusted). And that's only if you use an archive.
p And you can get #[a(href=files_site+"/programs/windows/installators/jre-8u281-windows-x64.exe") jre-8u281-windows-x64.exe] from my file share.
p SHA-1 hash for a Windows installer is 9140c9c84e9915d3af22e7b5c889cafdc34839cb.
p SHA-1 hash for a TAR.GZ archive is 45ea54bfd8ac3ff56ac4655fb1c4a0ebf5c904db.
+isServiceUp("Starbound", "starbound_server")
p.highlighted arav.top:21065
p Server is using a Frackin' Universe mod.
p Don't forget to set &ldquo;Allow assets mismatch&rdquo; option that you can find on the first page of the &ldquo;Options&rdquo; menu.
p Access is restricted using accounts. Contact me if you want to play here, you'll need to give me a nickname and a password.
+isServiceUp("Avorion", "AvorionServer")
p Server is listed in a server list as &ldquo;Arav's dwelling / Avorion&rdquo;. Whitelist is enabled. Bring your SteamID64 if you want to play here.
+isServiceUp("Project Zomboid", "ProjectZomboid")
p.highlighted arav.top:16261
p Server is listed as &ldquo;Arav's dwelling / Project Zomboid&rdquo;. Whitelist is enabled.
h2 Inner services
p.center Services that maintains other services or used exclusively by me.
h3 Web-server
p NGiNX + PHP-FPM (just for phpMyAdmin) + NodeJS + Go.
h3 Database server
p MariaDB managed with phpMyAdmin.
h3 VPN
p #[s OpenVPN] Wireguard.
h3 Network file share
p Samba.
h3 Torrent seedbox
p Transmission-cli gets shit done.
p The only annoying thing is that it sometimes creates .part files for one of unchecked files.
h3 Print server
p CUPS with CCP (Canon CAPT printer).
p Holy shit, it finally works! Wow, even after kernel update it doesn't require a reboot anymore!
h3 DNS server
p BIND9 via DNSCrypt-proxy.
p For LAN I use &ldquo;home.arpa&rdquo; special-use domain introduced by RFC 8375. And for uniqueness &ldquo;arav.home.arpa&rdquo; specifically.
h2 Contacts
| E-Mail:&nbsp;#[a(href="mailto:me@arav.top" title='May not be able to reply due to being blacklisted because of dynamic IP.') me@arav.top]
| Jabber:&nbsp;#[a(href="xmpp://arav@arav.top") arav@arav.top]
s Matrix:&nbsp;#[a(href="https://matrix.to/#/@arav:arav.top") @arav:arav.top]
| PGP&nbsp;key:&nbsp;#[a(href="~arav/68959406BDEDC57682C09FA60388CC8FAA51063F.asc") 6895 9406 BDED C576 82C0 9FA6 0388 CC8F AA51 063F] (available through #[a(href="https://wiki.gnupg.org/WKD" rel="nofollow noreferrer") Web Key Directory])
| Jabber OMEMO fingerprint: 1DAE0A91 8DEFCFDF 9558BBBE 5ECFA46D 9D120E03 970A9FE2 3D17F648 C84BDD72
h2 Donation
| #[a(href="monero:48namnfX17TX1kEGCpkXaRWhtw8p92cQjd5uQg7ivybgUuW4BTVaX8egxQhEi75JwuUGn3MDLKHYGNhu4eCfM6dRAAL2QAq") Monero]
| #[a(href="bitcoin:bc1qrmpahnvtqp34kpjaghnmq8acq27n0eke5w35ec") Bitcoin]
| #[a(href="litecoin:ltc1qpufwg92ghs35t34shcg3ydwsk87x5zxm3j5fu5") Litecoin]
| #[a(href="https://www.donationalerts.com/r/arav") DonationAlerts]
h2 Banners
p In case you found my site anyhow useful and would like to add me to your links page here are the banners for you.
img(src="/shared/img/banner_88x31.gif" alt="Light banner 88x31")
img(src="/shared/img/banner_240x60.gif" alt="Light banner 240x60")
p And theirs dark counterparts are also available.
img(src="/shared/img/banner_dark_88x31.gif" alt="Dark banner 88x31")
img(src="/shared/img/banner_dark_240x60.gif" alt="Dark banner 240x60")
h2 Privacy statements
p Logs are collected and include a date and time of access, your IP-address, User-Agent, referer URL, and a request.
p JavaScript is used at guestbook page to refresh CAPTCHA.