extends base.pug block nav nav a(href='/') Home a(href='/mindflow') Mindflow a(href='/about') About a(href='/guestbook') Guestbook h1 Stuff block content p.center Here lies everything I've made that I'm willing to share. section#articles h2 Articles p These articles are more like the sysadmin's notes. I describe those parts here that I did myself. The date here represents when article was updated last time. table tr td time(datetime='2021-11-15') 15 November 2021 td a(href='stuff/article/nginx_recipes_and_tips') NGiNX's recipes & tips tr td time(datetime='2020-09-22') 22 September 2020 (WIP) td a(href='stuff/article/setting_up_a_mail_server') Setting up a mail server tr td time(datetime='2020-08-15') 15 August 2020 td a(href='stuff/article/setting_up_a_tor_proxy_relay_hiddenserv') Setting up a Tor proxy, relay and hidden service tr td time(datetime='2020-08-15') 15 August 2020 td a(href='stuff/article/rpi_root_on_external_drive') How to move a root partition from SD card off to external drive on Raspberry Pi section#programs-scripts h2 Programs and scripts p.center Simple, yet useful (at least for me) programs and scripts I made. table tr td kwh-cost td 1.0.0 (24 December 2021) td C td MIT+NIGGER td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/kwh-cost') source tr td(colspan='5') p KWh cost calculator in C. What?.. That license? xD Learn at #[a(href='https://plusnigger.autism.exposed/') plusnigger.autism.exposed] about it. xD tr td httpprocwatchd td 1.2 (24 December 2021) td Go td GPLv3 td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/httpprocwatchd') source tr td(colspan='5') p It is a process watcher that gives processes' statuses in a JSON or XML format via HTTP GET request on /processes endpoint. Under the hood it calls a pgrep to get PIDs by process name. It is being used on about page to show wether service's running or not. tr td PiggyBank td 1.0.0 (8 July 2020) td Python td MIT td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/PiggyBank') source | a(href=git_site+'/Arav/PiggyBank/releases') releases tr td(colspan='5') p One of the most autistic shit I ever made. :) p Many years ago I wrote a little script to keep track of my piggy bank to learn how to work with SQLite 3 in Python. p Now I wanted to learn how to make packages that could be installed using pip. And I took that script and made a universal simple solution that can work with any currency (that script was nailed to rubles). I threw SQLite and made a simple text format. tr td ScrapTheChan td 0.5.0 (3 May 2021) td Python td MIT td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/ScrapTheChan') source | a(href=git_site+'/Arav/ScrapTheChan/releases') releases tr td(colspan='5') p Imageboards file scraper using theirs JSON API. Currently supported: 4chan.org, lainchan.org, 2ch.hk and 8kun.top. tr td OpenNIC active domains extraction script td 10 July 2020 td Bash td MIT td a(href=git_site+'/Arav/opennic-extract-domains') source tr td(colspan='5') p Bash script for BIND9 that extracts domains from zone files of OpenNIC and forms a list of domains that have an IP-address. section#music h2 Music p There was a period in my life when I was playing with audio sequencers. I lost all project files and only 3 tracks survived in mp3. #[a(href=files_site+"/music/My%20tracks,%20that%20survived/") You can get them here]. I've maybe like 15-20-ish project files ever created and just like 5 of them was finished.