doctype html html(lang='en') head title Arav's dwelling #{title} meta(charset='utf-8') meta(http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge') meta(name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0') meta(name='theme-color' content='#cd2682') meta(name='description' content=description) link(rel='icon' type='image/svg+xml' href='/shared/img/favicon.svg' sizes='any') link(href='/assets/css/main.css' rel='stylesheet') script(src='/assets/js/main.js' defer) body header svg#logo(viewBox='0 -25 216 40') text.logo Arav's dwelling text.under(y='11') Welcome to my sacred place, wanderer nav a(href=main_site) Back to main website h1 Files section#files span#current-path!= current_path p Files: #{total_files} (#{total_files_size}); Directories: #{total_directories}. table thead tr th Name th Date th Size tbody tr td #[a(href="../") ../] each item in items tr td #[a(] td!= moment(item.datetime, clientTZ) td= item.size div#view