extends article.pug block article header h2 NGiNX's recipes & tips div.menu a(href='/stuff#articles') Go back to articles list time(datetime='2020-12-04') 4 December 2020 nav h3 Contents ol li #[a(href='#art-1') Introduction] li #[a(href='#art-2') Userdir functionality like Apache's mod_userdir] li #[a(href='#art-3') Note on how NGiNX works with HTTP headers] h3#art-1 1. Introduction p Here I'll place recipes for implementing different functionalities and notes on webserver's behaviour. h3#art-2 2. Userdir functionality like Apache's mod_userdir p Once I wanted to have a “tilde user directories” like #[code /~user/] which is more known as Apache's #[code mod_userdir] feature. I work with NGiNX so regular expressions is the way to do that. p Nothing special in my case. I only need to keep files there, so others may get them. Thing is simple, but I took some time to realise what regexp to use here back then. p The implementation is quite simple: pre | location ~ ^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$ { | alias /home/$1/pub$2; | autoindex on; | } p Of course, you can choose whatever place for user's public directories. In my case you need to give a read and execute permissions to user's home directory and to public directories inside them to others (#[code chmod o=rX /home/user]), which may be a security concern. p #[code autoindex on] will make an index of files that lies by URL. And, of course, you can put there an #[code index.html] file. h3#art-3 3. Note on how NGiNX works with HTTP headers p Let's say in #[code http] block you specified common headers like #[code X-Frame-Options], #[code X-XSS-Protection], and so on for all #[code server] directives to use. But, if you add some other header for a specific #[code server] or #[code location] block then all those headers would be dropped. p For now the only cure for it is to place all that headers in a separate file like #[code common-headers.inc] and using #[code include] directive to include them in all the #[code server] and #[code location] blocks where additional headers are added.