diff --git a/radio/views/index.pug b/radio/views/index.pug index c0985b5..2804106 100644 --- a/radio/views/index.pug +++ b/radio/views/index.pug @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ html(lang='en') tr td= song.artist td= song.title + section + p The largest number of simultaneous listeners was #[b 5] at #[time(date="2021-11-07") November 7 2021], and the song was "Виктор Аргонов Project - Часть 5. Там, за чертой (финальная песня)". section h2 About the radio p This project grew from MPD I used to stream music over LAN for myself. Then I let it out and placed a player on my Neocities website. Then I added Icecast to see if there are listeners. I wasn't happy on how MPD was nearly overloading CPU, and later on, when I moved radio off to a laptop, I found a great tool for streams called Liquidsoap.