a(href="http://radio.arav.top:8000/stream.ogg") direct link (http)
a(href="http://moq7aejnf4xk5k2bkaltli3ftkhusy2mbrd3pj23nrca343ku2mgk4yd.onion/radio/live/stream.ogg") direct link (Tor)
a(href="http://t42fkp6zp5dfqywantq3zp427ig3q2onrmfv246tyaztpg4ckb5a.b32.i2p/radio/live/stream.ogg") direct link (I2P)
| OGG 128 Kb/s
audio(preload='none' controls)
source(src="live/stream.ogg" type="audio/ogg")
| Your browser doesn't support an audio element, it's sad... But you always can take the #[a(href="playlist.m3u") playlist]!
p #[span#radio-status n/a]
p Now playing: #[span#radio-song n/a]
p Current/peak listeners: #[span#radio-listeners n/a] / #[span#radio-listener-peak n/a]
small Notice: information updates every 45 seconds. But you can #[a(href="javascript:getRadioStats()") update] it forcibly.
h2 About the radio
p This project grew from MPD I used to stream music over LAN for myself. Then I let it out and placed a player on my neocities website. Then I added Icecast to see if there are listeners. I wasn't happy on how MPD was nearly overloading CPU, and later on, when I moved radio off to a laptop, I found a great tool for streams called Liquidsoap.
p Radio is also available through HTTP port 8000, but browsers may try to redirect to HTTPS. Any other applications should work fine.
p Radio is listed in #[a(href="https://dir.xiph.org/search?q=arav's+dwelling") Xiph directory].
h2 Privacy statements
p I collect access logs that include access date and time, IP-address, User-Agent, referer URL that tells me where have you came from, request that you sent to me. In addition there are GeoIP information added based on your IP-address that includes country, region, and city for my convenience.
p This website makes use of JavaScript to show you information on a radio.